Wholesale jewelry suppliers from China mainly locate in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. At the same time, most wholesale jewelry factories repose on Guangzhou and Yiwu.
If you are going to wholesale jewelry from China mainland, you should learn the three things in advance.
Firstly, almost 90% fashion jewelry providers China are set in Guangdong Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Guangzhou jewelry suppliers usually produce fashion jewelry and then sell them by themseleves. However, most Shenzhen wholesale jewelry suppliers would like to wholesale jewelry in a very large number so that they can gain a very cheap prices. And then they can earn much money by reselling those cheap jewelry to the end customers. Just like most jewelry buyers knows that most Chinese jewelry fairs and trades are held in Guangzhou while most online wholesale jewelry stores are from Shenzhen. Most wholesale jewelry factories are excavated in Guangzhou and Zhejiang Yiwu. depots place in Shenzhen. So that, fashion jewelry from Shenzhen are a little costly than Guangzhou’s.
Secondly, there are three wholesale jewelry making supplying in China, Qingdao city, Yiwu city and Guangzhou city. Qingdao jewelry are principally wholesaled to Korea and Japan. Fashion jewelry of Yiwu are chiefly wholesaled to the Chinese internal people. In Conclusion, Guangzhou jewelry providers are chiefly driven at searching European and American emptor. Also the price of Guangzhou jewelry rests the middle, higher than Yiwu, lower than Qingdao. Also the quality of materials used in making Guangzhou jewelry are with the highest level.
At Long Last, when you are looking for wholesale jewelry providers from China, you can get the coming components into your consideration. Most wholesale jewelry providers China are resellers. Almost 90% fashion jewelry online store purchase their commodities from the same jewelry manufactory or provider. Therefore the No.1 factor you should take when you buy fashion jewelry is price. Lowest price is the advisable one for you. Secondly, stuffs utilized to make fashion jewelry. Frankly speaking, all jewelry wholesaled from China are very cheap. Merely this does not mean that the quality is good. Cheap wholesale prices roots from bad quality materials. Do you think you can buy a real diamond with only9:01 2011-4-20 one dollar? I do not believe it.
Just as an old saying goes, pie is never in the sky. Pay one penny and then you get one penny’s worth of goods.