Brass Jewelry Can Heal Arthritis


Brass jewelry is an ancient classical jewelry, thousands of years ago, humans began wearing it. However, the brass jewelry may cause wearer skin allergy, many people thought it was not a healthy jewelry. But, Medical professionals said that, Brass jewelry has its positive influence in medicine; wearing Brass jewelry even can treat or alleviate the pain of arthritis.

Many people love Brass jewelry, because of its low cost, and it has similar color likes gold jewelry. Besides, brass also has good flexibility and scalability; jewelry designer can use it to create a unique style of jewelry design.

Others consider the Brass jewelry can bring additional health protection. These people believe that wearing Brass jewelry; human skin will absorb the minerals of copper, which provides people with positive power. Medical studies show that trace copper is indeed necessary for human metabolism of trace minerals.

In many places, people consider that Brass jewelry can relieve arthritis pain, or help improve the skin problems. In present medicine, wearing brass bracelets and magnet is really a kind of common treatment method for arthritis.

Han Wenzhen, a Medical researcher from China, has written in professional medical journals, he said that the mystery of brass jewelry can heal arthritis has been fully defined.

In his article “Anti-arthritis wear Brass jewelry can be” revealed, there are several arthritis patients of Kaifeng China are miraculous “healing” by wearing brass bracelet for three months.

He explained that, copper is microelement that human body must be, one of the incentives of arthritis is human body lack of trace elements such as copper and zinc, and most of brass jewelry on the market actually mainly contain copper and zinc. The medical experiments have demonstrated that brass bracelets do have the efficacy of the treatment of arthritis.
He believes that is not inconceivable, brass bracelets to relieve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. As brass bracelets worn on the wrist, with an average decrease of 13 mg per month, some of which dissolve in sweat in the first, and then through the skin into the blood flow to the liver.

In the form of Copper Protein ate, Copper delivered to the inflamed tissues to eliminate harmful substances and create new antibodies, maintenance and repair joint tissue, so that the arthritis cure.

He also pointed out in the article, there are some foreign magazines said that, some gynecological l& obstetrical diseases have a certain relationship with copper content in the human body. Abortion and infertility in women whose blood copper values were lower than normal, so few women wear brass bracelets suffer from abortion and infertility.

However, why some people have an allergy to brass jewelry, and what harm does skin allergy caused by brass jewelry, he did not elaborate.

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