Can Fashion Addiction Lead To Debt


For the majority of people, fashion is just a harmless interest they choose to indulge in every now and again. But, all over the world, fashion is becoming something people rely on, causing shopping to become an addiction which could potentially lead many into serious financial difficulties.

For many women as well as men, fashion provides that much craved feel-good-factor. For women especially, fashion is relied upon for make them feel good, as, as the saying goes, to look good is to feel good. However, anything that makes someone feel elated can become potentially addictive, and, combined with the media’s visual of looks relating to success, can create a real problem.

The fashion industry today is also highly pressurising, with thrown-away fashion making it harder and more expensive for women especially to keep up to date with the latest trends. With the changing seasons come changing trends, but we are also now seeing more trends per season, again making it more expensive to get all the looks.

The media are particularly to blame for sheer amount of idealised images of fashion we are subjected to day after day. Whether it’s on TV, in magazines or online, we never seem to be able to get away from what is sold to us as perfection, making it so much harder for people to avoid the temptation of fashion. The danger of all these influences is that many people are getting into dept trying to obtain this level of fashion fulfilment.

Spending a large proportion of hard-earned money on fashion is bad enough, but with the availability of credit cards, loans and store cards, the appeal of a ‘fashion-fix’ is more appealing than ever. With more people using unsecured credits and loans to get their next pick-me-up, it is clear that there is a problem with the value people place on fashion in the 21st century.