How to Care For Body Piercing Jewelry


Body piercing jewelry can be described as beauty ornaments that we wear on different parts of our bodies that have been pierced. Body piercing is not a new thing as it was practiced by different communities from all over the world. These communities considered wearing jewelry as a way of enhancing beauty or as a sign of adulthood once the person reached a certain age. Beauty is mostly the reason why people wear such jewelry today. It goes without say that most women and a small percentage of men will have their ears pierced but as far as the rest of the body is concerned, more teens than their parents will have a body piercing. >

This is because most teens consider this to be cool but do they really have an idea on how to properly care for their body piercing jewelry? Buying and wearing one can be very easy as you can buy them from any jewelry store. It takes an extra amount of effort to care for this type of jewelry. First, it is important to know that caring for them is essential because if you do not, it could lead to infection. Infection will be in form of bacteria infection that can result into sickness. What better way to prevent such infections by following these simple tips on how to care for your body piercing jewelry?

The most essential care one can give to their body piercing jewelry is to always wash them especially for jewelry worn around the navel and the tongue. You can do this while having you birth and brushing your teach respectively. But for these two types of body piercing this will not be enough, once in a while you will have to remove the jewelry, clean it effectively and remember to disinfect it. As for the piercing itself, clean it just like you would clean any other body part. When it comes to earrings, do not sleep in them. Remove them once you enter your house and when you have the time clean them with disinfectant especially for those that you rarely wear.

Caring for body piercing jewelry does not stop there. The way you store them is also important. Get a jewelry box and if you cannot afford one then get a small ordinary box and divide it into different compartments. This will enable you to store different jewelry differently rather than having them all in one place. The last essential care you can give your jewelry is not to share them. You can share earrings but please to not borrow or lend someone you tongue ring.