Pu Leather Handbag 12 Colors


Handbags now have become the carry-on accessories of women, even man. You can put your cell phone, keys, tissues or other stuffs all into your handbags, convenient and comfortable. It is also a fashion decoration of your wholes image. And at most occasion, the aesthetic property is more important than the functional property. Today, China womens bags wholesale would like highly recommended this item for you. We have a lot of colors to be selected, such as: White, Pink, Blue, Black and Brown. They are all in bright colors, and the side of this handbag is seemly like smoothly board, making the handbag noble and elegant. And without any extra decoration makes this handbag more characteristic.

As an experienced and professional China fashion wholesale online shopping store, which is targeting at the fashion market, Bluelans has a great experience of sharing all kinds of comfortable and fashion products, and these products were sold well online and wins warm praises from males and females. And meanwhile, Bluelans is applying itself to achieve the object of better things, cheaper price, and faster shipping all the time. We always catch the fashion trends and sharply introduce fashion news to the old and new customers. And we would like to introduce the fashion products to customers, which are brand new, high quality, wholesale price, fashion design and free shipping all over the world.
This Womens Ladies PU Leather Handbag Tote Shoppers Top Handles Bags Purse 12 Colors handbag is made of faux PU leather. The details of this bag is the length of it is 33cm or 13(Upper), 34cm or 13.4(Lower); the height of it is 25cm or 9.84; the strap drop of it is 13cm or 5.1 and the bottom depth of it is 14cm or 5.51. And capacity of this bag is medium, and fits A4 paper. And the weight of this bag is 750g or 1.65LB. This China fashion wholesale bag is a hot item of this season; the concise design and pure color enjoy a high population among the youth. This is an all matches style bag, no matter what is your dress up style, it always can make an appropriate match.

Attention: We shipped it in dust bag and plastic packages; it would be protected well and be guaranteed that the outside would do no harm to it. So you can put your faith on our products and buy them you like to repay the old and new customers and we promise free shipping the whole world.