Squeeze Into Your Old Jeans With Easy Buttock Exercises


Nothing can make a person feel their age (or older), than realizing that you can’t fit into your favorite jeans anymore and feeling like your only option is to give in and make that fateful trip to your local jeans outlet.

Not to fear, there are a few leg and buttock exercises that can be done to help avoid any panicked visits to your local clothing boutique.

Reverse Leg Raises Buttock exercises don’t get much easier to do than reverse leg raises. Bend over and rest your hands on a chair, or table, then alternate raising each of your legs behind you and ending each movement with a -butt contraction-. This movement will tone your buns, hips and help strengthen your lower back.

Lying Butt Squeeze While the name can conjure up some strange ideas, the exercise itself is quite easy to do. Lie flat on your stomach and hands at your sides: Raise your legs, while arching your back simultaneously to contract your butt. Buttock exercises like this one get the best results when you visualize your butt contracting while doing it.

Chair Squats Find a chair that has a height slightly higher than knee level to a foot below your hips. Straddle the chair and cross your arms over your chest: Squat down without letting your butt rest on the chair, then rise up. Having the chair in your path of movement creates an intense burn, especially if you keep a continuous flow going with the exercise.

Stay focused…

You may want to fit into that perfect pair of jeans, or look extra sexy in a bathing suit this summer. Whatever your reason, don’t lose focus. While you can avoid your routine for a few days if business, school, or family gets in the way: Get re-focused quickly and stay the course do your buttock exercises diligently, or your butt won’t get any smaller. Buy a workout video by someone inspiring if you need that external motivation — just don’t give up.

Learn more about buttock exercises and read lots of health tips at our keeping fit website.