How To Tie A Headband To Look Like A Turban


Turbans are worn by both males and females to cover their heads. This covering is made from a long cloth and it can be wrapped in several styles. Some people wear turbans because of their religious beliefs and culture. In recent times they have also become fashion statements. Cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy also wear this accessory to cover their heads.

If you are fascinated by turbans, then you can try tying a fabric around your head to mimic the style. You may need to try several times before you are able to get the turban to stay in place. You may find it necessary to use bobby pins to add stability. It is also much easier to use a headband that is designed for that purpose. However, any scarf can also be used.

The first step should be to find a long scarf that can go round your head several times. Place it at the back of your neck and then take hold of both ends and pull them upwards. Position it well on your head by pulling upwards and towards the front.

The next procedure is to cross the ends of the scarf once. Then repeat this procedure a second time. After crossing the ends again, you should notice a knot on the top part of your head. To get the scarf at the back of your neck again, pull it down and backwards. If you do this correctly you should get back to where you started.

Tie the ends of the scarf to make a knot. Leave the ends to hang on your shoulders and back. If you feel that you need more stability use hair pins. Turbans can be found in many online stores as well as local outlets. The house of Prada is responsible for first introducing this wear.

You can purchase one if you feel that you need this accessory. There are different types of turbans. They vary in patterns and colors as well as style. You can also learn how to make your own custom turban if you feel limited by patterns and colors that are available in the market.

It is also more enjoyable to wear a headband made by your own hands. You need to find a ruler, fabric glue, plastic headband and a fabric if you are to make your own turban headbands. You can find step by step instructions on how make different styles.