Present Status Of Bangladesh Garment Manufature And Exporters Association


The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) is the officially recognized capper clothing export trade body of 4,890 apparel manufacturing companies. The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers besides Exporters Association (BGMEA) is the only recognized calling conformation that represents all the export oriented garment manufacturers besides exporters of the dynasty.

The RMG sector earned over US$ 9 billion in 2006. The BGMEA helps to drive commerce by progression sales of Bangladeshi-produced apparel and pursues excellence in the Bangladeshi readymade garments (RMG) articulation as its activities besides programmed, including establishing besides nurturing relationships with alien buyers, businesses and trade associations, organizations, chambers, again research organizations.

The BGMEA also acts as a pressure assemble to provide the interests of the RMG sector and acts as a facilitator of trade negotiations with prevalent game dudes such as the WTO, ILO, and UNCTAD. The anterior matter objective of the BGMEA is to: Establish a healthy a scene environment for a settle and mutually serviceable tie between the manufacturers, exporters and importers direction the process ensuring steady income supremacy the superficial exchange advance of the country

The BGMEA secondary mission objective is to: Implement all legitimate rights and privileges of garment workers regarding Health, Welfare further Safety A brief history of the BGMEA: The BGMEA commenced activities in the unpunctual 1970s when the Bangladeshi readymade garments (RMG) industry was a negligible non-traditional cut bury a narrow export base. Through its inception, the BGMEA has been working to keep at and secure the interests of the RMG sector – it has helped boost RMG exports by 500%, allowing Bangladesh to become one of the chief RMG exporters worldwide.

The BGMEA acquiesce up its regional office in Chittagong power 1985. Chittagong is a strategically important commercial port and the gateway as all RMG exports. BGMEA President Abdus Salam Murshedy said the garment sector was ignored unfortunately in the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2009-10.

He demanded 5 percent subsidy on bank interest rate and subsidy on diesel purchase at Tk 10 per litre for their survival during the recession.

The government should give long-term loan for setting up effluent treatment plants (ETPs) in the factories to save country from environmental pollution, he said.

The finance minister in his budget speech on June 11 did not propose any stimulus package for the country’s main export earning RMG sector although he proposed a stimulus package worth Tk 5,000 crore. But the minister did not mention which sector would be benefited from such reserved fund.

Murshedy criticised the provision to allow whitening of undisclosed money in the proposed budget, as the honest taxpayers would feel discourage to pay taxes.

“We demand that the taskforce committee on global recession will meet soon to give allocation for the RMG sector from the proposed stimulus package of Tk 5,000,” he said. The BGMEA chief also urged the government for reinstating the tax-holiday facility up to 2015 and fixing 1 percent import duty on export-oriented capital machinery. He said the VAT on all usages of utilities by the garment factory owners should be withdrawn.

The RMG manufacturers had been lobbying with the ministers and other government high-ups for the last few months for the stimulus package as they are facing the crisis of global recession.

The president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) said the government should give export performance bonus or cash incentive at a rate of 10 percent against export. This is our BGMEA present situation.

“We did not get anything from the interim stimulus package and in the proposed budget the RMG sector was bypassed which is very unfortunate for the sector,” Murshedy said at a post-budget press conference at the BGMEA office.

He also urged the government for extending the loan rescheduling facility without down payment up to 2010 from the existing June 30, 2009.